To present my favourite pieces that I have made for Part 1 of the Altered States project I displayed them using acetate projections and large-format printing.
Acetate is a semi-synthetic, man-made product formed from cellulose. It is created by combining wood pulp with chemicals such as acetic acid and sulphuric acid. It is then spun into fibres, blended with other materials and then solidified into a sheet. It is a much more eco-friendly alternative to plastic. acetate sheets are a clear and flexible which are the perfect properties for making images appear on a over-head projector. Below are images of my recent work printed onto acetate. To experiment with the transparency, I also overlaid some of the images on top of each other to blend them together.
With my freshly printed acetate images I used an over-head projector to project them onto a wall and see my work in a different format.
Another technique I used to display my work was large-format printing. I did this by splitting this photo up so that it covered six sheets of a A3 paper and exporting it as a Photoshop PDF. I also printed out the images I used for the acetate on A4 paper and stuck them to a magnetised board in a hallway at UCA as a way of presenting my work in analogue.
