With my B-wing and Tie Defender finally finished I started working on my final renders in which I put both ships head to head in a space duel scene.
To create the effect that the two ships were fighting each other I made some blaster bolt mussel flashes to attach to the end of the laser canons. For the Tie Defender's lasers I revolved a tear-drop shaped sketch and then pulled the end face outwards to create a thin cylinder.

Having saved the Tie Defender firing as a different file, I decided to flip the scene around so that the B-wing was the one tailgating the Defender. Rather than giving the B-wing its standard laser bolts I used the loft tool to join all the cannons into one so that it could create the quad laser beam as seen in Star Wars Rebels. To give the central beam more texture I stretched a coil and gave it a large number revolutions so that there was minimal gaps. The arrow head shaped end was made by pulling vertices in different directions on a quad ball.

Below are all six of my final renders for these 3D models. Three of them showcase the Tie Defender attacking the B-wing and the other three depict the B-wing attacking the Tie Defender.
Overall I believe these 3D models and renders show just how far I have come with the skills I have learnt from my two year course at UCA. From first being introduced to Fusion 360 a year ago, when I made my maker coin, I would have never expected to progress this far. Using Fusion has even helped me to understand other modelling software such as Blender and it's given me an abundance of key knowledge which will be very helpful in the career path I would like to follow.