So that my work can accurately portray objects from science fiction in my work I have decided to research the designs of science fiction vehicles across different media interpretations. To see the similarities and differences in designs I will look at what the vehicles look like in books and movies.

War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells shows one of my favourite interpretations of alien life; which is why some of my pieces of work are heavily influenced by it. Although there are many different variations of how the alien vehicles appear, whether it be on screen or in a book; they always keep there intimidating stature.

Close encounters of the third kind is a book written by Steven Spielberg that was later adapted into an award winning film. In the film there is some great visual effects that show substantial UFO's with bright, colourful lights. I really like the aesthetic of the UFO's in the film and so I may influence this in my final Fusion 360 piece.

E.T. is a 1982 sci-fi/family film directed by Steven Spielberg that has a very interesting design for a UFO. The vehicle is mainly spherical, with lots of bright lights and pointed top. I think this design shows how vastly alien vehicles differ from different peoples interpretations. I could use this knowledge to my advantage when I complete more work on this project.