As apart of my marketing for my film I created three posters on photoshop and one motion poster using After Effects. Below are screenshots of my Photoshop and After Effects files I took while editing.

This was the first poster I made; combining three of my final photos, a rusted border effect and my title. Using the distort and perspective tools I was able to give my photos a more dynamic look. I used a PNG image to create the rusted look on the poster which resulted in an abandoned asylum aesthetic.

With my second poster I went for more of an abstract piece. In Photoshop I set my photo of the hand and shadows as the first layer and then just went over the top of it in a new layer created a black and white asymmetrical pattern. In two of the black sections I added the title and my name to make it a complete poster. While this is a very complex looking poster I think it perfectly captures the feeling of entrapment and the overwhelming effects of mental disorders.

For my final and main advertising poster I used my two favourite photos to create a macabre and ominous looking image. By creating a mask of the shadow hands and duplicating it several times I managed to create an entire unescapable border of hands. Then I added a white background layer and used a soft brush to bleed the light into the photo of the eye through the keyhole.

To expeiment with different forms of marketing I made a animated version of my main poster using After Effects. I used the motion posters seen in public to influence this piece of work. To create the effect of the hands emerging from all angles I made a new composition of all the hand images and key framed them to shrink into the centre of the frame. To give it more impact I gradually increased the opacity and scale of the eye to create the effect of it looking through the keyhole and seeing the hands.