As the first Project for my second year at UCA the end goal is to produce a film that has been adapted from a painting/piece of artwork.
The artist Rene Magritte has drawn my interest with his abstract paintings. One painting I Particularly like is called "The False Mirror". It was painted in 1928 and depicts a persons eye completely filled with the vision of the sky. There is a lot that can be taken from this piece; from its central focus on the undilated pupil of the eye, to the expansive sky reflected in it.

Dragan Bibin has drawn a lot of interest from the new generation as his work has a great way of making the unknown an unsettling feature. Below is one of his paintings which shows a dog staring into a black void behind a door. This piece is so effective because it makes you feel on edge as anything could be lurking in the shadows.

Nicola Pucci is an Italian artist who has a very unique painting style that has caught peoples attention around the world. Pucci mainly works from photographs and will often combine several elements into one painting. I like how obscured some of his work is; such as the painting "Woman at the mirror" which can be seen below.
