To link with my contextual research of the memento project I wanted to produce some photography that is inspired by the visuals in Inception and the artist Pete Ulatan. Using a 1200D Canon camera I captured landscapes and buildings on the UCA Rochester campus. To get some distorted photos I used a fisheye lens and experimented with orientation/perspective.

Once I had shot all of my desired locations I made 2 contact sheets; circling photos that I would like to use for finals.

To create the same mind-bending aesthetic scene in the work of M.C.Escher and Pete Ulatan I took two separate shots and stitched them together in Photoshop to create an alternate plane in the sky. To make the two shots fit together seamlessly I used the lasso tool to make a mask, which I then feathered. My second edit depicts a mirrored version of the surface. Using the fisheye lens I took three more shots depicting a warped reality.