Exposure triangle:
Aperture - controls depth of field, smaller f number/shallower depth of field
ISO - ASA on film, Grain and noise when fast, high means fast film
Shutter speed - how fast picture is taken/bigger f number faster shutter speed
grain - salt + silver that makes old film
noise - digital camera compensating for grain by making it digitally
use between 100-400 ISO to avoid noise
high shutter speed, high ISO, shallow depth of field
Mode Dial:
use Auto, Tv, Av and M
Auto - does it for you
Tv - shutter speed
Av - aperture
M - manual
RAW - the best photo camera can make, takes up lots of storage, needs processing
JPEG - accepted everywhere, take up less storage, photo still looks good
Canon set up - menu, image quality, select
With an SD card it deletes everything
it is final
Don't: touch front lens, touch back eye-piece, take lenses off
Shooting film takes up a lot of memory
uses SD cards
DLSR's cap at 29 mins and 59 secs
NTSC - North America
PAL - UK and Europe
Frame rate - frames per second, high fps/more photos
shutter speed and fps work together
shutter speed is 2x fps
Hz of lighting - causes flashing + banding
use LED panel
lower shutter speed to stop banding
180 shutter provides most cinematic style
Correct exposure shows an equal histogram
use reflectors to correct exposure
Clipping - when overexposure removes detail
White balance - different light ranges, do not use auto
do not use DLSR audio
use microphones
record audio on camera to sync with better audio on Premiere Pro
360p, 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD)
ratios - 4:3, 9:16, 16:9, 21:9
Multi camera set up:
great for interviews or action
start rec, wait few sec, clap to sync video
DLSR has auto and manual focus
to auto focus half press button
focussing point will look for contrast
use focussing ring for manual focus
750D has tracking focus to use with movement
use continuous lights such as LED's
LED's are very light so can be clamped onto walls
gels soften brightness and adds colour