Kinetic typography is when animation is used to create moving text. The technique allows text to grow, shrink, and morph in several ways to entertain the viewer. It is often used in music lyric videos as its visual appearance explains the lines in the song.

Kinetic Typography lyric videos like "Do I wanna know" by The Artic Monkeys and "Unstoppable" by The Score show the true potential of this technique as each line of the song creates a stunning visual image. It is used to emotionally impact the viewer and allow ideas to be conveyed in a visual manner. Kinetic Typography is very effective with lyrics to songs as it encourages the viewer to sing along and enjoy it more.

In addition to music videos, Kinetic Typography is also a popular animation technique used for advertisements. The photos above are shots from Starbucks and Coca-Cola ads. These ads use the animated imagery in conjunction with the text to make clever imagery such as the "Y" in "We've got the coffee for you" being a coffee dispenser. Furthermore, while Kinetic Typography is used a lot today in ads and music videos its technique can be traced all the way back to Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 film "North by Northwest".