My plan for the IMP is to produce work using all of the different media's I have learnt at UCA over my first three projects. I have decided to dedicate this project to Science Fiction as it is one of my main interests and I have a vast amount of knowledge that I will be able to represent in different medias. The three main ways I will do this is through Photography, animation and 3D modelling.
To begin this project, I went outside and took several photos in preparation to edit them using photoshop. As I had participated in a photography workshop I was able to apply my new skills when taking these photos. The skills that I learnt included shooting at different angles/orientations and using perspective. After a Photoshop workshop I had with Rob Roach I put the skills I learnt to the test by creating three photo edits. I took these photos and changed them so that they would reflect the theme of science fiction. I created the first one by masking out the original background and replacing it with a vivid photo of a galaxy. The second photo has altered colours to make it look more mysterious as well as a UFO I masked onto the road. The final photo is edited to reflect the vision of an alien species.
With my knowledge on Fusion 360 that I had gained from the Device Project I created a tripod-like alien similar to the one in "War of the Worlds". With the device project I worked not with spherical objects and so this benefitted me when working with the spherical centre of this design. On the main body of the alien I created a geometric pattern that added a surrealism effect to the design. One I had completed the body and the legs through extrusion, filleting and chamfering I made a total of four renders. So that I could use this alien vehicle in another piece of work I made a render of it on a green background so that I could use it effectively in photoshop.
After having a photoshop concept art workshop I created a Sci-Fi themed scene overlooking a mountain at dusk. I did this by using the lasso tool and slightly changing the gradient of the landscape to distinguish the foreground from the background. I very much enjoyed making concept art in photoshop and so I continued making several more pieces, each linking to my science fiction theme in a different way.
With the knowledge of an Illustrator workshop I created a scene of a UFO landing in an urban area. I did this by using several different shape tools provided on Illustrator. After this I decided to create a badge with a similarly designed UFO on it using the pen and fill tools.
So that I had a vast amount of reference material for this project I did some research on one of my favourite science fiction artists Ralph McQuarrie. He is most notable for his concept art of the original Star Wars trilogy. When looking at his work I tried to replicate it in my own style when drawing and designing my pieces. In addition to this, I researched existing alien vehicle designs. I did this so that I could get more ideas for my UFO that I am going to make in Fusion 360.
Using Illustrator, After Effects and media encoder I managed to create a parallax animation. First, I took the premade background layers in Illustrator and coloured them to my choosing with the gradient tool. Then I locked all the layers and imported it into After Effects. In After Effects I made the background 3D and added a camera dolly so that the animation would pan across the scenery. Finally I exported the file to media encoder where it was rendered. To incorporate this piece into my current Sci-Fi project I added the UFO I designed in Illustrator into the background.
Attending the stop-motion workshop with Rob give me more knowledge on how to create an effective short film. The Stop Motion Studio app which I downloaded on my iPhone allowed me to take photos and instantly stitch them together to create a motion picture. To create my stop-motion I laid out a sheet of polystyrene as my background, then I drew out some props to work with which I then cut out. Afterwards I repeated a process which involved moving the props and then taking a picture using the app on my phone. After combining 106 photos together at 11 frames per second I created a Sci-Fi themed animation.
For my Final piece of work in Fusion I 3D modelled a UFO. First, I sketched the basic shape of the UFO and revolved my sketch to create a 3D object. Then I filleted the edge to give it a smooth finish. Afterwards I offset the plane upwards so that I could draw a new sketch. I extruded the sketch so that I could carve it into the top face of my UFO, leaving a pattern. I did this same technique on the bottom face however I added a entrance and changed the design slightly. To complete the look of the UFO I added a pattern of spheres around the edge that would later become lights. Finally, I created three renders of the UFO with a black background to simulate it floating in space as well as several more renders using the environment settings.
To further my work, I decided to 3D print my UFO that I had designed in Fusion 360. It was printed using yellow filament and to a size where it can fit in your hand. Once it had been printed I sanded it down using different grades of sandpaper and gave it a base coat of white spray paint. Now it was fully prepared I gave it a few coats of acrylic paint so that it closely resembled the colours I gave it in my renders.
So that I could display all of my work in one place I created an Artsteps gallery. To do this I created an Artsteps account and I started mapping out my gallery area by placing walls and doorways. Then I textured the walls with black marble and the floor with varnished wood. Finally, I added all my work I had completed so that it covered the walls. As well as this I was able to add my two 3D models I created in Fusion 360 by importing them as obj files.
To conclude, I am really pleased with how this project has turned out, with the work I have managed to produce and the new skills I have learnt.